St. Theresa Point First Nation
The St Theresa Point First Nation occupies the Reserve area located on the southwestern shore of Island Lake immediately south of the Wasagamack Reserve. Thompson is 350 air kilometers to the northwest and Winnipeg is 600 air kilometers to the southwest.
The First Nation is signatory to the 1909 adhesion to Treaty 5.
The language is the Island Lake dialect Oji-Cree.
As of December 2014 the First Nation had a registered population of 4,069 out of which 3,795 lived on their own reserve.
Health Care
There is a nursing station with 4 nurses and dental station. The nearest hospitals are located in Norway House and Thompson. Most frequent hospital trips are done to Winnipeg. Ambulance Service is provided by Northern Patient Transportation for hospital appointments and life-flight for extreme emergencies. Fly in doctors make weekly visits to STP from Winnipeg as well as regular visits from other health professionals.
Water Supply
St Theresa Point obtains water from Island Lake, which is chlorinated at the Water Treatment Plant (operational as of summer 2000) and hooked up to main water supply line and distributed via- a 17- standpipe system. The schools, teacher ages, nursing station, Health Authority offices, fire hall, Administration office, Northern Store, Day Care, Family Services and residents obtain water from the primary treatment plant. There are 13 houses that have water trucked to cisterns; 38 houses have water trucked barrels; and 463 houses have no service.
Sewage Disposal
Pit privies are utilized by more residents. The school, teacherages, Administration office, Northern Store, Day Care, Family Services and the RC residents are serviced by a primary treatment plant. There are 38 houses that have trucked septic service and 463 houses have no service.
Garbage Disposal
One landfill site is utilized. One full time garbage truck provides garbage pick up to all residences.
The Island Lake Reserves are accessible by winter roads during the winter season. There are approximately 11 kilometers of internal roads.
Electrical Service
Service is provided by land line.
Postal Service
Airmail is delivered to and from St. Theresa Point 5 days a week from Monday to Friday.
Police Protection
The first Nation employs ten First Nation constables and one commissioner. The RCMP detachment is located on Stevenson Island in Island Lake where four provincial contract officers are on staff. There are ten constables and one commissioner, of which one constable is assigned to St Theresa Point First Nation.
Fire Protection
The First Nation has one fire truck, a fire hall and a volunteer fire fighting department.
The First Nation receives radio from Thompson. CBC TV is re-broadcast in the community. The First Nation also operates a satellite dish. Single party telephone exchange and toll service are available.
There is a 3,500-foot gravel airstrip serviced by flights by Perimeter Airlines and Air Manitoba. There are dock facilities for both float planes and boats. There are no land transportation systems in the community with the exception of winter roads in season.
Commercial and Business Services
St. Theresa Point First Nation Store
S.T.P. Air Services
Dutil Centre
S.T.P. Gas and Diesel (Bulk Station)
Northern Store
Wahpishu Store
Island Lake Trading Store
Al Air MHA Enterprises
First Nation Operated
Winter road