Did You Know This Is What Statistics Canada Knows About Us?
Half of the population of Island Lake Communities seems to be 20 years of age and below. True or False?
That’s what statistics Canada knows according to the last census.
Did you know the spoken language is Oji-Cree and not English.
That’s what Statistics Canada states according to the last census.
It is important that we of the Island Lake Community tell the world and our partners about ourselves and about our culture. That they understand us better so we can work with them on equal footing.
This is important for all the children and the children that are going to be born, that we are a strong and powerful people. We speak English along with our Mother Tongue, Oji-Cree. That we educate and ignite aspirations in our youth as in the days of our ancestors prior to contact.
In view of that I encourage all the members of Island Lake Community to participate in the forthcoming Census which is scheduled to be in 2021.
Alex McDougall
Co-Chair of Anishininew Okimawin Working Governance Group