Governance Working Group >> The Working Group
The Governance Working Group
The Governance Working Group has twenty-two members and the terms of reference are here. The Group is chaired by Jonathan Flett (ED ILTC) and Alex Mcdougall (ED FARHA).
Members invited to each meeting include the four Band Managers, four Health Directors, four Education Directors, CFS Director, an Elder and senior managers from ILTC and FARHA.
You may have heard from your representative(s) directly or please contact them if you would like more information.
Developing The Recommendations
Over the first few meetings, the Governance Working Group reviewed traditional and comparative approaches to regional governance.
While it has considered the models of others, the Working Group has preferred to develop an Island Lake approach to regional governance that respects our traditions and acknowledges our distinct culture and needs.
There were two general concerns that arose at several meetings and were addressed directly at the last meeting.
One was prompted by the fact that not all Working Group members were in attendance. There were participants from each of the four communities.
The discussion outlined several ways to encourage full attendance. Suggestions included continued timely distribution of materials, advance notice of the next meeting dates and consideration of meeting in the communities. Accordingly, an email note was sent on January 11 to all Working Group members outlining the next meeting dates of February (20 and 21) in Garden Hill and March (20 and 21).
The other general matter related to the inclusion of elders. The importance of elder participation was emphasized by all. We still await funding approval to permit a Working Group budget to cover elder travel and other costs, but it was emphasized and agreed that each of the four communities will encourage and support elder attendance at the February meeting. A note was sent on January 11 to all Working Group members outlining this suggestion.
After the Working Group conceptualized the overall approach to strengthened regional governance, members of working group have informally discussed model and approach with community members and with those directly involved with education as well as child and family service. Also, there have been discussions around the ideas of the Governance Working Group with elder groups.